Hon Kelvin DavisList MP
List MP
Spokesperson for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations
Contact Kelvin Davis
Te Tai Tokerau Electorate Offices
0800 KDAVIS (0800 532 847)
[email protected]
66a Bank St, Whangarei
Shop 5, Plaza North, 222 Commerce St, Kaitaia
West Auckland
6 Railside Ave, Henderson, Te Atatū
Parliamentary office
04 817 8702
[email protected]
Freepost PO Box 18 888
Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160
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Meet Kelvin Davis
The future prosperity of our country requires us to make brave and bold decisions today.
Ko Taumarere te awa.
Ko Puketohunoa te maunga.
Ko Ngati Manu te hapu.
Hon Kelvin Davis is a successful former teacher and school principal who turned a struggling Northland school around, and enabled the students to achieve beyond their potential.
In the 2020 Labour Government, Kelvin was appointed Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti, Minister for Children, Minister of Corrections and Associate Minister of Education.
In the 2017 Labour-led Government he was Minister of Corrections, Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti, and Tourism, and Associate Minister of Education.
He has held roles on a number of Select Committees including Māori Affairs (Deputy Chair), Law and Order, Local Government and Environment, Education and Science and Transport and Industrial Relations.
Kelvin has also held the spokesperson roles in Corrections, Biosecurity, Education (including Special Education and Māori Education), Māori Affairs, Tourism, Regional Affairs and Justice (Sexual and Domestic Violence).
Kelvin visited Australia, including Christmas Island in 2015 to advocate for the rights of New Zealanders living in Australia, particularly those in detention centres.
Born and bred in the Bay of Islands but now living in Kaitaia, Kelvin is a man of the north who brings skills in education and Māori issues to the Cabinet table to improve outcomes for all New Zealanders educationally, financially, culturally and socially.
He is a person with common sense and pragmatism who is able to relate across all sectors of society, but is most at home either fishing or up in the bush of his beloved Karetu Valley.