
Release: Hikes for company directors but not ordinary Kiwis

Working people are going backwards while company directors are being given huge pay hikes.

The Government has signed off on massive pay increases for company directors, while working people on the lowest wages keep going backwards and household bills keep going up.

“Under National, New Zealand’s lowest paid workers get a real-terms pay cut while government directors have had their pay hiked,” Labour Leader Chris Hipkins said.

“In percentage terms, Crown Infrastructure Partners directors get a 104% increase, while someone on the minimum wage gets a 1.5% increase following the government’s announcement it won’t raise wages in line with inflation for the second year in a row.

“Transpower has just been given the green light to hike up power bills while their directors get a 56% pay hike, and despite Nicola Willis’ attempts to blame anybody but herself for her botched ferries decision, she still saw fit to sign off on an 89% directors fee increase for KiwiRail.

“National has its priorities all wrong and is more interested in giving more to those already doing well, than helping ordinary Kiwis with the cost of living.

“It shows how completely out of touch Christopher Luxon and Nicola Willis are after only one year in office,” Chris Hipkins said.

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