Release: Rents up under National, promises fall flat
National Party policies which promised to put “downward pressure” on rents are having the opposite effect.
The latest figures from Stats NZ saw rents increase another 4.8% in the year to June.
“Christopher Luxon and Chris Bishop have both said landlords will pass on any gains they make from National Party policies to reduce rents,” Labour housing spokesperson Kieran McAnulty said.
“But the dip in inflation is not going to help people pay soaring rates up 9.6%, or insurance premiums, up 14%. And it’s certainly not going to help make renting more affordable.
“The Government has made claims that they are trimming the fat, but all they are doing is pushing costs like water on to rate payers. Refusing to help the councils will only mean higher rates.
“This affects homeowners and renters, everyone who needs a roof over their heads. Just this week I met a retired man who has had to sell his house because the rates bill had become too high. If the Government thinks this is an isolated incident they are kidding themselves.
“Scrapping the First Home Grant, which makes it harder to get into a first home and leaves people renting for longer, isn’t helping either. Nor is cutting back the public house build programme so there aren’t as many homes being built.
“The fact is, Christopher Luxon and Chris Bishop are making changes that drive rates and rents up. It’s only going to get worse,” Kieran McAnulty said.
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