
Will your income tax change with Labour?

Labour’s balanced plan keeps debt under control while protecting vital services like health and education. Scroll down to see if you’ll pay more income tax under a Labour government.

Scroll to your income

Hint: there are no income tax changes for 98% of Kiwis

No income tax change

Keep scrolling

Annual Income


















































































Still no income tax change









































Nope, no income tax change









































That’s right, still no change






















You’re in the top 2% of earners. No tax changes for earnings below $180,000. On income over $180,000 a new top rate of 39% to help control debt and protect vital social services.

Our balanced plan protects vital services like education and health and keeps a lid on debt.

  • There will be no income tax changes for 98% of New Zealanders.
  • For the top 2% there will be a slight rate increase – but only on personal income earned over $180,000.
  • Someone earning $200,000 a year would pay an extra $23 a week under this plan.
  • Labour will not make any further increases to income tax next term.
  • We have already committed to not raising fuel taxes for the next three years.
  • The company tax rate is not changing, giving businesses continuity and certainty.
  • We are also making sure that Kiwi businesses are operating on a level playing field, by closing tax loopholes so multinational corporations pay their fair share.

Share this tool with your friends and family so they know about Labour’s balanced plan to control debt and protect social services.