Week That Was: Managing the Government books responsibly
We're managing the Government books responsibly, helping more Kiwis into homes, and supporting New Zealanders with disabilities.
We're managing a strong, growing economy
This week saw the release of the Government books. They show an economy in good shape - with a strong surplus and lower debt.
We're striking the balance between managing the books well, building a strong, resilient economy, and investing in the things that New Zealanders care about - like fixing up our hospitals, building better schools and classrooms, and investing in our transport. The results show businesses are investing, employing more workers and paying higher wages, while at the same time reporting stronger profits.
We're making it easier to build homes
>We're getting more Kiwis into homes by making it faster, easier and cheaper to build prefab houses. In some countries, nearly 80 per cent of newly-built homes are prefabricated offsite, but in New Zealand it’s about 10 per cent. This new streamlined process will mean more high-quality prefab houses for Kiwis and their families.
We also marked World Homeless Day this week - with the Prime Minister announcing the opening of 30 new houses in South Auckland from the Monte Cecilia Housing Trust.
We know homelessness in New Zealand can't be fixed overnight, but we’re working to break the cycle. We're building over 2,200 state houses, expanding Housing First, and working with community providers to take action - because to tackle homelessness, we need to work together.
We're supporting people with disabilities into sport and recreation
1.1 million people in New Zealand identify as being disabled. Sport NZ’s Active NZ data shows that disabled young people are less likely to participate in a range of sports and activities, particularly play-related activities such as using playgrounds.
We're addressing this inequality. Our initiative includes training to develop a workforce that understands the needs of children and young people, advocacy accessible playgrounds and parks, and a more inclusive approach to strategy, policy and communication within Sport NZ and partner organisations.
The Government is committed to building a truly inclusive society and supporting disabled people to live their lives to their fullest potential.
This initiative forms part of a wider cross-government agency plan to be launched later in 2019.
We're taking mental health seriously
Thursday this week was Mental Health Awareness Day.
We're transforming our approach to mental health and addiction with significant and sustained investment, so you can access a mental health adviser in your local GP clinic.
We know long-term challenges can’t be solved overnight, and transforming our approach to mental health and addiction will take some time. Our vision for the future is one where people in distress can get free support when and where they need it. We will work with local communities, iwi and those with lived experience to ensure there are a suitable range of services available.
We’re committed to ensuring that all New Zealanders in need can access free mental health and addiction support that works for them, when and how they need it.