
Ethnic Communities

As we secure our recovery from COVID-19, we’re working hard to make sure that everyone feels at home in Aotearoa, no matter their background.

Here are just a few of the many ways Labour is supporting New Zealand’s ethnic communities:

A safe Aotearoa for all

We’re making sure all New Zealanders feel safe, heard and respected. We’re responding to the tragedy of the Christchurch mosques attack by listening to our Muslim communities, so their concerns and priorities can inform our work to keep all New Zealanders safe. The resulting initiatives to support our diverse communities and protect them from discriminatory behaviour include the Safer Communities Fund, which is helping communities at risk from hate crimes upgrade security to make shared spaces safer.

Creating a dedicated Ministry

For the first time ever, New Zealand now has a Ministry for Ethnic Communities. Launched in July 2021, the Ministry is focused on improving outcomes for our ethnic communities and promoting their inclusion.

Increasing representation

We’re helping ensure our public service better reflects New Zealand’s diverse communities. We started collecting data on ethnic background for state sector boards and committees, to inform hiring practices and help make membership more representative. We’re starting to see the effects, with the latest appointment rates showing diversity is improving. And our new Ethnic Communities Graduate Programme will provide skilled graduates from diverse backgrounds with a pathway into the public service, improving cultural competency across the sector.

Funding community initiatives

We’ve increased funding for projects that aim to make communities stronger, safer and more connected. The Community Engagement Response Fund is supporting minority groups, particularly those affected by March 15, to be part of the Government’s response to the Royal Commission, while our boost to the Ethnic Communities Development Fund has supported sport and youth initiatives, multicultural events, women’s centres, and refugee and migrant services, among many others.

Welcoming more refugees

New Zealand has a long history of offering a safe home to people fleeing war or persecution. We’ve increased the refugee quota to 1,500 places per year – and we’ve boosted support to refugee communities already in Aotearoa, helping people reunite with family and supporting their settlement.