Release: National’s own advice shows Aucklanders will pay more, not less
The financial tales the Coalition Government told to get elected continue to unravel as advice from the Ministry of Transport shows removing the Regional Fuel Tax will end up costing Aucklanders more.
“With very little in the Coalition agreements to support New Zealanders with the cost of living, this is a kick in the teeth for Aucklanders who will now find out they’ll be paying more because the Government ignored its own advice,” Chris Hipkins said.
“Not only that, but they’ll lose much needed investment in transport in our biggest city – condemning Aucklanders to sitting bumper to bumper in traffic for longer due to a lack of alternatives.”
Removing the Regional Fuel Tax has been touted as the Coalition Government’s main cost saver for households in Auckland, however the Government’s own analysis shows it ‘is unlikely to have a substantive impact on households’, with Auckland households saving as little as $1.85 per week.
‘As a result, Auckland Council may increase other funding streams (for example reintroducing the $150 transport levy previously in place) or defer or not progress with projects’ the advice reads.
“The Ministry of Transport’s own analysis of the Government’s plan to repeal the Regional Fuel Tax suggests that the $600 million in lost revenue for Auckland Council may mean ratepayers will need to fork out. It is incredibly shortsighted,” Chris Hipkins said.
“Simeon Brown would have seen this advice. He knows repealing will actually cost Aucklanders more. But he’s so blinded by politics he’s doing it anyway.
“The Coalition Government promised a ‘laser focus on bringing down the cost of living’ but their 100-day plan hasn’t delivered any support for Kiwis – and in fact will see Aucklanders facing higher costs for years to come. This is clearly a Government that cares more about making headlines than making a difference,” Chris Hipkins said.
Documents obtained by the NZ Herald this week also show National undercooked their Transport costings with a $24 billion hole in their transport Budget, just as they were warned during the campaign.
“Christopher Luxon, Nicola Willis and Simeon Brown should front up to Aucklanders about whether they’ll have to pay more, or be sitting in traffic for longer,” Chris Hipkins said.
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