
Kiwi kids get behind #NZEggHunt

Earlier this week, the Prime Minister informed the nation that the Easter Bunny (and the Tooth Fairy!) were deemed essential workers. However, she made it clear that, due to the restrictions we are all facing at COVID-19 Alert Level 4, the Easter Bunny may find it tricky to get to every house in New Zealand this Easter.

Not one to rest on her laurels, our Prime Minister had a plan - but for the plan to work, she needed all the kids of New Zealand to help...

In case you missed it, the Prime Minister asked the tamariki of Aotearoa to decorate their front windows with Easter eggs, so everyone in the neighbourhood can do their own Easter egg hunt. The response we saw from New Zealand's kids (and adults!) has been brilliant. Here's a small collection of our favourites so far...



Want to send in your artwork? Email [email protected], or share on social media using the hashtag #NZEggHunt.