Normally in political campaigns, election strategies are a tightly guarded secret. But our campaign is different.
We’re a team. We’re in this together and we’re going to campaign and win this together.
So that means opening up our 3 point plan to you – showing how you can be part of it.
A laser focus on the bread and butter issues that matter most to New Zealanders
The Prime Minister has brought a laser focus on the cost of living to his job, and we are going to do the same for our campaign.
The last few years have been so tough for so many New Zealanders. As we deal with the economic chaos that COVID left behind, New Zealanders want to know they have a government that’s on their side
Our campaign's job is to show people that Labour has the best plans and team to tackle the cost of living and help Kiwi families get ahead.
We want to run a paid advertising programme that puts a positive message of progress in front of as many people as we can – online, in newspapers, on TV and on the radio.
You can help by sharing our content with your friends and whānau. You can start right now by sharing our plan to win and encouraging more people to join our movement.
Grow our grassroots movement across New Zealand
As we’ve seen in previous campaigns, the single most effective tool for persuading voters and getting them out to vote is one on one conversations with our volunteers.
This is where our grassroots supporters are so crucial. Nothing is as effective as personal conversations.
That’s why we’ve invested heavily in Organisers right around the country – to recruit thousands of volunteers who'll campaign for the party vote. In this election especially, we’re looking to increase the organising presence we have in Auckland.
We know our opponents are raising record amounts of money from wealthy donors who want to stop the progress we’re making – we probably can’t outspend them, but we can out organise them.
To do that, we need you. We need you out knocking on doors, making phone calls, talking to people in your community and sharing our positive message.
Raise enough money to compete with National’s mega donors
It’s no secret that National is incredibly well funded but I want to be really clear about this: Over the last two years, National and ACT have been pulling in record amounts of money from the ultra rich on a scale we haven’t seen before.
All of this money is helping to fuel negative attack ads from National.
Now, money isn't everything in a campaign - we can spend less and still win but the reality is we can’t spend 10 times less and win.
That’s why fundraising is so important for us – we can’t always match their big donors, so we need to rely on thousands of ordinary people, giving in small amounts.
Based on what we think National will spend, I’ve had to set us some pretty steep fundraising targets to keep up. It won’t be easy, but together, we can do it.
If you can give $5, $10 or $20, with thousands of us contributing, we can compete with National’s mega donors.
One especially important way you can help us do that is by signing up to make small regular donations – $5 or $10 or $20 dollars every month. Not only does that help us get our message out – it gives us certainty around when money will be coming in, meaning I can plan our campaign more effectively – making sure we are spending our money at exactly the right time to get our message across.
And that's our plan to win! By focussing on what matters most to Kiwi families right now, by building our grassroots movement and raising enough money to compete with National’s mega donors, we can re-elect Labour and keep making progress.
I’m looking forward to working with all of you to help make that happen.
Hayden Munro
Campaign Manager