Our Team
Glen Bennett
List MP
Spokesperson for Economic Development, Associate Energy
Shanan Halbert
List MP based in Northcote
Spokesperson for Auckland Issues, Rainbow Issues
Dr Tracey McLellan
List MP based in Banks Peninsula
Spokesperson for Corrections, Associate Health
Hon Phil Twyford
MP for Te Atatū
Spokesperson for Immigration, Disarmament and Arms Control, Associate Foreign Affairs
Cushla Tangaere‑Manuel
MP for Ikaroa-Rāwhiti
Spokesperson for Tourism and Hospitality, Forestry, Cyclone Recovery
Reuben Davidson
MP for Christchurch East
Spokesperson for Statistics, Digital Economy and Communications, Associate Media and Broadcasting
Lemauga Lydia Sosene
MP for Māngere
Spokesperson for Internal Affairs, Associate Pacific Peoples, Associate Social Development and Employment
Tangi Utikere
MP for Palmerston North
Chief Whip
Spokesperson for Transport, Oceans and Fisheries, Racing, Associate Education (Pacific)
Hon Rachel Brooking
MP for Dunedin
Spokesperson for Environment, Food Safety, Space
Arena Williams
MP for Manurewa
Assistant Whip
Spokesperson for Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Building and Construction, State Owned Enterprises
Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall
List MP based in Wellington
Spokesperson for Health, Public Service, Wellington Issues
Hon Barbara Edmonds
MP for Mana
Spokesperson for Finance, Infrastructure
Hon Dr Megan Woods
MP for Wigram
Spokesperson for Climate Change, Energy, Resources, Associate Finance
Rt Hon Chris Hipkins
Leader of the Labour Party & MP for Remutaka
Spokesperson for Ministerial Services, National Security and Intelligence
Hon Carmel Sepuloni
Deputy Leader of the Labour Party & MP for Kelston
Spokesperson for Social Development, Pacific Peoples, Child Poverty Reduction
Hon David Parker
List MP
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Shadow Attorney General, Electoral Reform
Hon Jenny Salesa
MP for Panmure-Ōtāhuhu
Spokesperson for Ethnic Communities, Customs
Hon Damien O'Connor
List MP
Spokesperson for Trade, Land Information, Associate Foreign Affairs, Associate Transport
Rachel Boyack
MP for Nelson
Spokesperson for ACC, Arts, Culture and Heritage, Animal Welfare
Ingrid Leary
MP for Taieri
Spokesperson for Seniors, Mental Health
Helen White
MP for Mt Albert
Spokesperson for Community and Voluntary Sector, Small Business and Manufacturing, Associate Justice
Camilla Belich
List MP based in Epsom
Junior Whip
Spokesperson for Workplace Relations and Safety, Emergency Management
Hon Peeni Henare
List MP
Spokesperson for Defence, Sport and Recreation, Associate Health, Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti
Hon Willie Jackson
List MP based in South Auckland
Spokesperson for Māori Development, Broadcasting and Media, Employment, Associate Housing, Associate Workplace Relations and Safety
Rt Hon Adrian Rurawhe
List MP
Spokesperson for Whānau Ora, Associate Māori Development
Hon Dr Deborah Russell
List MP based in New Lynn
Spokesperson for Revenue, Science, Innovation and Technology, Associate Education (Tertiary)
Hon Dr Duncan Webb
MP for Christchurch Central
Deputy Shadow Leader of the House
Spokesperson for Justice, Regulation, Earthquake Commission, Christchurch Issues
Hon Ginny Andersen
List MP based in Hutt South
Spokesperson for Police, Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, Social Investment, Associate Social Development, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations
Greg O'Connor
MP for Ōhāriu
Assistant Speaker
Spokesperson for Courts, Veterans
Hon Jan Tinetti
List MP
Spokesperson for Education, Women
Hon Jo Luxton
List MP
Spokesperson for Agriculture, Biosecurity, Rural Communities
Hon Kieran McAnulty
List MP
Shadow Leader of the House
Spokesperson for Housing, Local Government, Regional Development
Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan
List MP based in Maungakiekie
Spokesperson for Conservation, Disability Issues, NZSIS, GCSB
Hon Willow Jean Prime
List MP
Spokesperson for Children, Youth, Associate Education (Māori)